Healthcare Providers

View clients’ changing health conditions remotely to make more informed decisions to improve health. Comprehensive insights provide more flexibility to schedule appointments and more effective office visits. 

Access to comprehensive objective insights in real-time
     → Efficient patient interactions
     → Improve health management by addressing current issues with historical trends

Improve resource utilization and sustainability

Reduce hospitalizations and readmissions with early recognition and proactive treatment

Effective and efficient client visits – Address current and emerging needs.

Electronic Medication Administration Record (eMAR) w/time and date stamps improves medication distribution accuracy and ordering

Additional Areas of Care

Care Agencies

CAREgivers Insight’s friendly guided interface is quick and easy so your staff can focus on emerging health issues. Accessible data gives everyone in the circle of care information to reduce stress and improve the quality of life.

Family Caregivers

CAREgivers Insight is a tool that empowers even caregivers with no formal training to both understand health and care issues that need attention and alter daily routines. Our app helps family members record and share their loved ones’ changing health condition with clinicians, therapists, case managers and family alike.

Care Facilities

CAREgivers Insight gives families real-time updates on how their loved one is doing. Now, your staff has more time to treat patients with potential health concerns and reduce preventable medical interventions. Improve your staff so they can anticipate and meet the care needs of your residents based on their health situation.